Top rated and trusted provider of Sports Therapy, Decompression Therapy, Massage, Recovery, Cupping and Workshops in San Diego, CA
Active & Athletic Treatments
When you choose to be treated by Keoni Salgado, only the highest standards of ethical and professional sports recovery therapy will be administered for your athletic health care needs. We offer competitive services such as Deep tissue, Sports massage, and Cupping. Keoni keeps pricing simple and across the board, making each and every visit a new opportunity to try unique modalities, and offer you a truly individual and personalized health care experience.
Sessions & Packages
Offering 30, 60, and 90 min. individual sessions and as well packages. For individual sessions please contact Keoni.
Workshops & Events
Keoni is available for community events and private group sessions. Community events include seated chair massage sessions for corporations, educational speaking sessions on the benefits of recovery and massage for athletes, demos for various modalities, and promotional work for corporations and local businesses. Group sessions include in home private parties, pre-event sessions and/or recovery days for Elite club / High school, and Adult organized sport teams.
What are you waiting for?
Ph: 760-822-4263
Address: 1991 Village Park Way
Suite 2-C, Encinitas, CA 92024